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Custom and Artistic Coops
Custom and Artistic Coops
  • Why Raise Chickens?
    Make chickens part of your sustainable garden environment and eggs part of your healthy eating habit. • Chickens are interactive pets that keep garden insect pests, snails and slugs at bay. • Chickens are friendly, fun and responsive and produce delicious, home grown, organic eggs. • Chickens convert vegetable table leftovers into first-rate fertilizer.
  • Taking Care of your Flock
    Chickens rise with the sun and retire at dusk. Make sure to close their access door before you go to bed and open it in the morning. Keep an in-coop feed-dispenser well stocked with hen food and freshen the coop water supply as required. Maintain an additional supply of water on the grounds of the coop. We like to supplement our chicken's diet with hen scratch (a seed mixture) and oyster shell (calcium for strong egg shells). Collect eggs every day.
  • Tips for Raising Happy, Healthy Birds"
    Chickens do well in dry, wet, hot and cold climates. Your flock will shelter in the coop during wet weather. Chickens roost side by side to keep warm at night. Hens do not require a rooster to produce healthy eggs. Your birds will appreciate any vegetable table scraps or leftovers including cheese, bread, pizza, rice and garden produce. Chickens love grapevine leaves and berries. Why not raise Zinfandel fed hens? Your birds will lay and eat in the coop but need free range to hunt for weeds, bugs and pests and to stretch their wings. Chickens normally stay close to their coop and are remarkably pet and car savvy. Check with your zoning restrictions, however, to make sure they are permitted in your neighborhood. It may be that chickens are permitted but roosters aren't.
  • Maintenance and Safety from Predators
    You will find that the coop remains remarkably clean. Spray down the interior of the house as required. Line nests with 3-4 inches of fresh straw and replace as necessary. Our chicken houses are safe from nocturnal predators such as raccoons and possums.
  • Delivery and Installation
    Wine Country Coops can arrange for custom delivery and installation whatever your location. The base may be attached to concrete blocks, which may be cemented to the ground. The coop should be set level. Delivery of our coops can be arranged to any location in the United States. Please contact us for information and a quote on delivery charges.
  • Site and Surroundings
    Chickens like to scratch and explore during the daylight hours in a backyard, garden or any natural place, and will retire to the coop at dusk. Chickens will feed and roost (spend the dark hours) in safety in their coop. It is not necessary to have an enclosed area for chickens, but remember, they like to explore and may disturb new seedlings as they search for bugs and slugs.
  • Pricing
    Coops can be custom designed, built and painted to customer specifications. Please call to discuss options and pricing. We are delighted to work with our clients to provide specific styles and features. Please call for a quote: (707) 829 8405 All our sales are subject to state and local taxes as applicable.
Free Range Chicken Farm


1212 Beattie Lane
Sebastopol CA 95472
707 829 8405


© 2023 by Wine Country Coops

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